Kate Cassidy to Serve as Associate Supreme Court Justice for Office of the Appellate Defender’s First Monday in October

Date: 10/07/2024 6:00pm

Sponsor: Office of the Appellate Defender

Speaker: Kathleen E. Cassidy

Location: NYC Bar Association

Justices_OAD 2024 First Monday.png

Morvillo Abramowitz partner Kate Cassidy will serve as an associate supreme court justice at the Office of the Appellate Defender’s (OAD) 31st Annual First Monday in October Gala and Mock Supreme Court argument taking place October 7th at the NYC Bar Association.  

OAD’s mission is to ensure that underserved individuals convicted of felonies receive equal access to justice by providing exceptional representation, improving the quality of defense through education training, and advocating for systemic reform of New York City’s criminal justice system. “The First Monday Court will hear argument in Kousisis v. United States: Can deception to induce a commercial transaction constitute federal mail or wire fraud, even if the defendant does not intend to cause economic harm and the alleged victim receives the goods or services for which it paid?”

For more information about this program, click here.