Fifth Annual Fall Institute: Sentencing-Reentry-Juvenile Justice-Legal Education
Date: October 26, 2012
Sponsor: American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section and the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law
Panel: White Collar Reentry
Speaker: Robert J. Anello
On Friday, October 26, 2012 Morvillo Abramowitz Partner Robert Anello served as a panelist at the “Fifth Annual Fall Institute: Sentencing-Reentry-Juvenile Justice-Legal Education,” hosted by the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section and the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law. The Fall Institute was held in Washington DC and focused on various aspects of reentry in the criminal justice system. Mr. Anello participated in a panel entitled “White Collar Reentry,” which discussed the white collar reentry experience and focused on the issue of legislative and program remedies for white collar reentrants. For more information please click here.