Using Techniques Honed Prosecuting Gangs to Investigate Wrongdoing in the Commodities Markets
October 19, 2017 | The Insider: White Collar Defense and Securities Enforcement
At New York University last month, James McDonald, Director of Enforcement of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”), announced the CFTC’s publication of an “Updated Advisory on Self Reporting and Cooperation” (“Updated Advisory”). The Updated Advisory supplemented two January 2017 Enforcement Advisories, by “providing additional information regarding voluntary disclosures and the substantial credit companies and individuals can expect from the [CFTC] if they voluntarily disclose misconduct and fully cooperate with the [CFTC’s] investigation.” The January 2017 Advisories, entitled “Cooperation Factors in Enforcement Division Sanction Recommendations for Companies” and “Cooperation Factors in Sanction Recommendations for Individuals” had detailed factors that the Enforcement Division may consider to assess the quality and value of cooperation. But, they offered little insight about precisely what is required to obtain mitigation credit and what companies and individuals who meet the requirements can expect. The Updated Advisory was intended to provide “greater transparency” about what the Enforcement Division requires and what companies and individuals who self-report, cooperate, and remediate can expect. [...]