Up in the Air: Boeing’s Deferred Prosecution Saga Continues
January 9, 2025 | New York Law Journal
Corporate deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) are a fixture of white-collar criminal enforcement. They permit companies to resolve federal investigations without the need for a guilty plea. Yet the benefits of corporate DPAs must increasingly be weighed against potential costs. In their latest article for the NYLJ, “Up in the Air: Boeing’s Deferred Prosecution Saga Continues,” Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello partners Elkan Abramowitz and Jonathan S. Sack examine the DPA between the Boeing Co. and the DOJ in January 2021, which has led to complex and protracted legal challenges – initially from crash victims, who alleged procedural and substantive deficiencies in the DPA; and, more recently, from the DOJ, which has alleged that Boeing violated the compliance requirements of the DPA.