The Bulletin Of The International Academy Of Financial Crime Litigators, Fourth Issue
December 18, 2024 | The Bulletin of The International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators
Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello partner Jonathan Sack is pleased to publish the fourth issue of The Bulletin of The International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators, of which Mr. Sack is co-editor. The Bulletin addresses cutting-edge issues in transnational financial crime. This fourth issue of the Bulletin focuses on the issue of corruption, public and private, in its many forms, with six articles on a wide range topics. These articles discuss, among other subjects, the present state of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigations and prosecutions; a recent high-profile criminal case in the Netherlands relating to contributions to a political party; global litigation over funds linked to the Fujimori regime in Peru; and Israel’s efforts to combat terror financing post-October 7, 2023.
The Bulletin Of The International Academy Of Financial Crime Litigators, Fourth Issue