Supreme Court to Decide Scope of Key Federal Corruption Statute

February 29, 2024  |  New York Law Journal

Section 666 of Title 18 is a key provision used in federal prosecutions of public corruption.  The law prohibits bribes paid pursuant to quid pro quo agreements in connection with federally-funded programs.  In their latest article for the NYLJ, “Supreme Court to Decide Scope of Key Federal Corruption Statute,” Morvillo Abramowitz partners Elkan Abramowitz and Jonathan Sack discuss United States v. Snyder, 71 F.4th 555 (7th Cir. 2023), cert. granted, 2023 WL 8605740 (Dec. 13, 2023).  In that case, the Supreme Court will address whether Section 666 also applies to gratuities – that is, giving or receiving things of value after an action is taken, and without evidence of a quid pro quo agreement.     

Supreme Court to Decide Scope of Key Federal Corruption Statute