Will CIC Services Open the Floodgates to Tax Challenges?

July 14, 2021  |  New York Law Journal

Under the Anti-Injunction Act, 26 U.S.C. § 7421(a), taxpayers are barred from bringing suits “for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax.”  Accordingly, a taxpayer wishing to challenge a tax provision is generally required either to pay the tax and bring a suit seeking a refund in federal district court or dispute an assessment in Tax Court. In this article, “Will CIC Services Open the Floodgates to Tax Challenges,” we analyze the Supreme Court’s recent decision in CIC Services, LLC v. Internal Revenue Service, which unanimously rejected the government’s invocation of the Anti-Injunction Act to preclude a challenge to an IRS Notice requiring both taxpayers and their advisors to disclose information regarding micro-captive insurance transactions.

Will CIC Services Open the Floodgates to Tax Challenges?